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100K Subscribers
47% Average Open Rate
2.5% Average CTOR


1MM Monthly Unique Visitors
250K Daily Impressions


10 Dedicated Lists
163K Total Opt-in Subscribers
60% Average Open Rate


500K Monthly Page Views
.31% Average Banner CTR


1.5MM+ Followers

PW provides continuous access to millions of monthly readers, connecting you to a global audience on the go whenever and wherever they plug in.

The most important news stories of the day.
62K subscribers

A weekly wrap-up of the week’s top stories for consumer and trade audiences, complete with staff picks and an on-sale calendar with PW Reviews.
92K subscribers

News coverage dedicated to children’s and YA publishing.
39K subscribers

Weekly newsletter packed with bestsellers lists, top 10 PW picks, and forthcoming reviews.
33K subscribers

Providing a wealth of resources in both trade and educational publishing for educators and librarians.

29K Subscribers

The latest news, culture, events and trends in the comics and graphic novel fandom.
47K subscribers

Coverage of the vast category of religion and spirituality publishing.
13K subscribers

Coverage of international rights deals, news and more.
25K subscribers

News coverage and educational tips sent to the self-publishing community.
36K subscribers

Highlights of the week’s publishing news.
33K subscribers

Leading Targeted E-Newsletters

Sponsored E-Blasts

PW’s Sponsored Eblast program is your ticket to high-impact brand alignment and precision-targeted audience access. With direct delivery to 100,000+ opt-in subscribers, our Eblast program provides immediate, powerful results. This simple yet highly effective turnkey program integrates your content with the PW brand to harness the power of our vast readership, extensive coverage and standing in the industry.

Average Open Rate 47%  Average CTOR 5%
15+ targeted lists. Countless customizable options.

Web & Mobile Takeover

Dominate the competition. Get the attention of the most influential audience in publishing with full control of PW’s website. 24 hours. Every ad. Every page. Every device.


Daily Impressions

Sponsored Posts

As a trusted source, PW‘s name serves to authenticate your message. Our innovative program combines the look and feel of PW‘s editorial content with your custom messaging to engage readers and drive awareness, something ordinary ads simply can’t duplicate.


Average open rate




The engagement of typical display ads

Grab a Galley

PW’s giveaway platform connects your titles directly with librarians, booksellers, readers, and media—all before they hit the shelves. Designed to deliver targeted, high-impact exposure, this program builds buzz where it matters most, combining 24/7 access with unparalleled reach to PW’s dedicated audience.

  • Diverse Reach: Access PW‘s 100,000 subscriber base
  • Proven Results:  150,000 galleys requested in 2024
  • Multi-Format Visibility: Showcase print, digital, or audiobooks
  • Amplified Promo: Expanded reach via PW newsletters, digital, and social platforms