Sponsored Posts

As a trusted source, PW‘s name serves to authenticate your message. Our innovative program combines the look and feel of PW‘s editorial content with your custom messaging to engage readers and drive awareness, something ordinary ads simply can’t duplicate.


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The engagement of typical display ads

Publishers Weekly

Multiple channels mean maximum results. PW’s fully integrated ad campaigns offer turnkey solutions to meet each client’s unique needs. Select the channels that best target your audience to create a customized package for an unbeatable campaign.


Work the Network.

With a combined following of 1.15M fans, our social media network holds sway.


The Authority on the Book Business.

Publishers Weekly is the only publication to cover the entire industry. From breaking news and reviews to market trends and announcements, PW reports on nearly every category and genre and spans every age group.

Web Takeover

Dominate the Competition.

When you’re excited about a forthcoming book or product, you want it to take over the world. This is a good start.


The Right Audience. Reached.

With 9 targeted lists, PW allows you to zero in on the precise audience you’re aiming to reach. Focused. Efficient. Effective.


Go Direct. Get results.

The world (and internet) can be a crowded place. Cut through the noise with PW’s e-blasts, and take your message directly to tens of thousands of readers.

Sponsored Posts

Your Message. Our Brand. Perfect Combination.

Up your game – and your engagement. Sponsored Posts blend seamlessly into PW’s editorial content, delivering more engagement time after time than typical display ads.

Giveaway Program

Get More When You Give.

Giveaways are a good time. And not just for fans. They’re the perfect opportunity to promote titles, get readers excited, and create buzz. Even better, it’s an opportunity to capture leads and convert fans into lifelong consumers.

Native Advertising

Your Message. Our Commanding Voice.

With the look and feel of a feature, native ads draw readers in, engaging them in a fuller, deeper story. When you have a story to tell, do it with the authority of PW.


When We Speak, Readers Listen.

Broadcast your book on the fastest growing media platform. And be heard.

Show Dailies

The World Within Reach.

Scale up with PW’s Show Dailies and expand your reach into the global markets. The world’s a big place. Make sure you stand out.

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Get in. Stand Out.

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